How can a B2B CFO® professional can help your company?

B2B CFO® provides Strategic Business Advisory Services to owners of privately held companies. We focus on helping companies:
  • Improve cash flow
  • Increase company value
  • Grow profitably
  • Plan strategically
  • Obtain bank loans
  • Prepare to sell
We have the people, training, resources and skills to help you and your company reach your financial goals.

One of the hallmarks of our firm is our complimentary and confidential Gap Diagnostic Analysis™. A business owner will know more about their business after our report is completed, delivered and explained than they know before meeting us. We contribute 8-10 hours of our own time, and there is no contract to sign or strings attached.

We do the following during the Gap Diagnostic Analysis™, which usually takes about 45 minutes of the owner’s time and 3-4 hours of the company’s staff time:

  1. Using our Gap Diagnostic Checklist™, we interview the key individuals in charge of finance and/or accounting.
  2. Look at the company’s financial information and computer systems.
  3. Benchmark the company’s financial information against industry averages using our KPI (Key Performance Indicator) software.
  4. Create a confidential report of our key conclusions to discuss with the owner.

To get started, please submit your contact information and one of our professionals will be in touch soon.

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