Danny's Articles & Media


In working with most of my clients,  I establish a set of priorities with them that is unique to their particular situation,  that assists them in growing the value of their business,  and helps achieve the goals for their company.  My clients often receive from me the established priorities which I intend to focus on…

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Core Values

Regardless of your sports loyalties or affiliations, no one can deny what James Franklin has been able to accomplish in his time as head football coach for Vanderbilt University.  Before Franklin took over the head coaching job at Vanderbilt, one could make the case that it was the toughest job in America.  A small, private,…

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Avoiding Your Fiscal Cliff

We are all hearing much lately about the Fiscal Cliff.  According to Investopedia (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fiscalcliff.asp#ixzz2FbZsvKK6, the Fiscal Cliff is “a combination of expiring tax cuts and across-the-board government spending cuts scheduled to become effective Dec. 31, 2012. The idea behind the fiscal cliff was that if the federal government allowed these two events to proceed as…

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The Value of Experience

I have been told that Oak trees have a long life span and only began producing acorns when they are much older.  In fact, according to one website, “oak trees can start producing acorns when they are 20 years old, but sometimes can go all the way to 50 years for the first production.  By…

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Thankfulness and Your Company’s Success

Though we should be thankful for our blessings daily, it is at this time of the year when we are especially reminded of just how grateful we should be because we truly have so much.  Thankfulness is such an admirable quality in an individual and I believe one of the reasons is that a thankful…

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Saban’s Playbook

The current very successful coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide, Nick Saban, said the following in his Louisiana State defensive playbook when he was the coach at LSU. “We will be alert and aggressive and take advantage of every opportunity to come up with the ball…The trademark of our defense will be effort, toughness, and…

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The Importance of Structure and Systems

Company leaders should always maintain an attitude of nimbleness to respond quickly to market place changes, competitor moves, and customer needs.  Responding quickly to demands from whatever source is what often gives a smaller company a competitive advantage over a larger organization.  This next statement may sound like a contradiction to what was just stated. …

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The Reality Principle

I consider what I term The Reality Principle to be of supreme importance for any business that desires to achieve its goals.  Actually, I believe that any business that does not embrace this principle risks its very survival during these uncertain economic times.  You may have heard of this principle being a concept developed by…

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Fast Growing Companies

If you have not already picked up your copy of the September issue of Inc. magazine, then I would encourage you to do so.  It is a special double issue that features the 31st annual listing of the 500 fastest growing companies ( Incidentally, our firm, B2B CFO®, made the Inc. 5000 list for the…

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Who is your Navigator?

Does your business have a Navigator?  I hope so or you could be headed for serious trouble.  On the other hand your business may be safe.  Here is the problem.  You don’t know without a Navigator.  Why is a Navigator so essential?  Navigation is a “field of study that focuses on the process of monitoring…

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