Peggy's Articles & Media

Six Strategic Questions You Should Be Asking Your CFO

As a business owner or CEO, understanding your company’s financial footing is crucial to making informed decisions that drive growth and success. But if you are not a finance expert yourself, it can be challenging to know where to start. For guidance, this list of six essential questions to ask your CFO will help you…

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Mastering the S Curve: Sustaining Business Momentum

Every business has its specific chapters in their journey and the S Curve (also known as the “sigmoid curve”) is all about capturing the key moments a business undergoes until they make it “big.” The S Curve represents the life cycle of a product, service, or even an entire business. It starts with a period…

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The Big Boom of AI and Its Impact on Accounting, Finance, and Business

Some experts suggest we buckle up because artificial intelligence (AI) is about to shake the accounting profession. They predict that in the next decade AI will automate many of the most repetitive processes in accounting such as data entry and reconciliations. What does this mean for the profession and what opportunities could business teams seize?…

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5 Lessons Learned from Recent Bank Failures

First Republic Bank made headlines on May 1, 2023, when California regulators stepped in to take over the bank after a private rescue fell through. Regulators struck a deal for JP Morgan to take on First Republic’s $92 billion in deposits. The FDIC will share losses with JP Morgan on its loans, averting a massive…

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Are you a Finder, Minder or Grinder?

Being at the top can be lonely, especially when the urgent issues of the day are competing for your attention. Do you feel you have limited time to focus fully on the vital strategic issues that impact the company’s performance and future? Those business leaders who struggle with safely delegating tasks or relinquishing decisions to…

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Ready for a Business Sale? Steps to Build Your Advisory Team

As a business owner, you have worked tirelessly to get your company to a point where it can be sold. Naturally, selling is understandably an emotional and complex undertaking. According to a study by the US Chamber of Commerce, just 20% of companies put up for sale are ultimately sold, meaning that four out of…

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10 Financial Metrics Every Business Owner Should Monitor

Regardless of the size, age, or industry, all companies need to consistently monitor their financial performance. Long-term success and goal achievement greatly depends on generating revenue and managing your financial metrics. Having trackable metrics with benchmarks ensures healthy business performance. By tracking and monitoring specific financial metrics over time, the business owner can gauge cash…

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Business Owner’s Guide to Effective Scenario Planning

Imagine turning uncertain situations in your business into favorable outcomes? Easier said than done. However, this is where the importance of  scenario planning and “what if” modeling can help businesses thrive in the face of uncertainty. By testing the impact of various strategic options being considered, your company can stay ahead of the curve and…

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How to Prune to Promote Growth in 2023?

It seems counterintuitive to cut off branches, leaves, or even roots to get larger, fuller plants. And yet, it’s one of the most important tasks for a thriving, healthy garden. Just like a garden, a healthy and thriving business requires an Owner who can tend to the health of their business by pruning or removing…

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Leadership in Good and Tough Times

Every business owner has goals. B2B CFO® is here to help your organization take the right steps and provide strategic business and financial guidance as we weather storms. These strategies will help you and your team respond in good and tough times with excellence and action: Download this guidance on how to lead in tough…

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