Peggy's Articles & Media

5 Types of Growth Your Business Should Avoid

Perhaps the headline of this article has surprised you—and that in itself is not too surprising. More often than not, growth is taught to be equivalent with success, profits and progress. A growing business is what most CEOs and small business owners dream of, but what isn’t talked about enough is that there is such…

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2023 Exit Planning Guide

Economic conditions such as high market demand for profitable businesses, labor shortages, and economic uncertainty in the year ahead are bringing many business owners to the point of selling their business. Whether a business sale is on the short-term horizon or a future consideration, the sale will be one of the most significant business actions…

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The 5 Levers of Cash Flow Optimization

Today’s economic circumstances are continuing to knock budgets, plans and projected quarterly numbers from their assigned seats. The economy continues to experience shockwaves in the areas of supply chain, human resources and rising prices. Inflation is at levels not experienced in the United States in more than thirty years. It is for this reason that…

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Cash Flow Management Tips for Uncertain Times

Whether it was navigating the new normal to handling the Great Resignation to today’s supply chain, inflation and potential recession challenges, companies have been facing a time where managing cash flow is more important than ever. Between increased costs and lowered sales, some businesses will find themselves low on cash, perhaps to the point of…

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Seven Strategies to Offset Supply Chain Disruptions

If concerns over labor availability, supply chain disruptions, reduced availability of materials, and soaring costs are impacting your business, you are not alone. We’ve all been living through the greatest workplace and supply chain disruption in generations. The unprecedented times brought shortages in company warehouses, unstocked shelves in supermarkets and difficulty finding consistent delivery drivers.…

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8 Strategies to Weather Inflationary Times in Your Business

You don’t have to turn the news on twice to know we are currently on a road of high prices, supply chain reduction and a tight labor market. “Prices rose 7.5% in January compared to the year prior, according to the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) report,” Forbes reported just last month. “This is…

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Could you grow yourself out of business? Avoiding the hazards of accelerated growth.

Growing a company is one of the most studied and strategized topics in the business world. Whether by diversifying products, identifying new markets or innovating, steady and healthy growth is obtainable for most businesses. However, growth can be a double-edged sword. It represents progress and can result in rewards and new opportunities. But when growth…

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Expert Strategies to Recession Proof Your Business

The familiar warning signs of a potential recession are flashing: an inverted yield curve, a decline in GDP, high inflation (8.5% in March), and impending interest rate hikes that will make borrowing money more expensive.1 Businesses may be able to weather the immediate impact of higher interest rates, especially those that have made good use…

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Expert Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Business

The familiar warning signs of a potential recession are flashing: an inverted yield curve, a decline in GDP, high inflation (8.5% in March), and recent interest rate hikes that will make borrowing money more expensive.1 Businesses may be able to weather the immediate impact of higher interest rates, especially those that have made good use…

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Make Your Q2 Work For You: The Role Your Goals Can Play

Q1 is behind us. It’s time to pat yourself on the back, review your company’s performance progress and refresh or reset your Q2 goals. Sure, a disappointing quarter can be discouraging, but it’s important to reflect on the causes and develop an improved plan to move your company forward. To this end, goal setting and…

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