Growth Strategies to Take Your Business to the Next Level
Posted on April 28, 2021 by Steven Tabor
If the past year has been a challenge for your business’s growth, it might be time for some fresh direction and ideas. And if there’s anything we’ve learned in the past year, it’s that finances are highly integrated with every area of a business especially marketing.
Because of this, I highly recommend that you revisit your marketing strategies and look for ways they can integrate more closely with your financial decisions in the coming months. Nothing happens unless customers come through the door.
To get started, I recommend that you read a great article I found that includes ideas from 40 different entrepreneurs to jump start your marketing. When you read the article, I specifically recommend that you check out No. 15 – “Data is your friend” and No. 19 – “Make long-term investments in marketing.” These are two strategies that work best when marketing and finance work hand-in-hand to understand the numbers and make decisions that result in the best return on investment. To learn more about these strategies and the other great ideas, click on the link below to read the article
I hope you find this article beneficial. The concepts are very simple, but sometimes easily forgotten or overlooked. I can help you integrate a financial strategy to go along with your marketing strategy so if you are looking for assistance, I welcome you to contact me through the form below.